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Travis Dooley

You want a Humvee, you need one, but brace for the Aussie import price tag!

Updated: Jun 3

I might have been a bit dramatic with that title, but who can blame me? My journey into the world of Humvees is a tale of dreams coming to life - from dream to reality! Perhaps that's what brought you here too.

Early Hummer and Humvee advertisement

We share a common passion: the iconic US Military HMMWV, fondly known as the Humvee. Props to Am General for crafting this masterpiece.

Before I dive into my own importing experience - the highs and lows, the dos and don'ts - consider this: finding an already imported Humvee for sale in Australia is a breeze compared to the daunting journey of importing one. So, if you're still with me, you're either seriously committed or just enjoying a good read.

In this guide, I'm going to peel back the curtain on the entire process. I'll share contacts, photos, and tales of my blunders so you can sidestep them. If my guide helps you succeed, I'll be ecstatic . And no, you won't get a t-shirt saying, "My Humvee and I Survived Australian Customs" - I'm kidding, but I'll be darn proud of you.

Step 1: Acquiring Your Humvee

You have two options: purchase directly from the US Military via or buy from a private seller. Both have their pros and cons, so I'll break it down for you.

If you opt for the GovPlanet auctions, get ready for surprises when you pick up your Humvee in Barstow, especially if it's a non-runner. Be mechanically savvy or have a deep wallet, as a non-runner might need minor tweaks or even a new engine/trans.

Govplanet barstow yard with armored humvees
GovPlanet yard California, Barstow

Remember, these Humvees have been baking in the desert for quite a while. If you do your research before auction day then you should be fine.

I won't bore you with all the Govplanet payment and paperwork details, but eventually you'll receive your Bill of Sale and SF-97. If you've bought from a private party, you'll deal with fewer hassles. Make sure the truck's title is registered in your name. On the title form, there's a purchase price, which will be subject to GST (upon arrival in Australia). Most Americans, upon request will write in a reasonable price, if you catch my drift.

Step 2: Securing an Export License

Meet Larry, the guy to contact for your export license. He charges a fair price. But here's a crucial heads-up: when you're applying for your export permit leave out the word slantback. The DOD considers the Slantback Humvee (regardless of year or model) a current active military variant, which might complicate export approval. Consider exporting your Humvee in its simplest form and make modifications after it's in Australia. Or roll the dice and hope they skip inspecting your Humvee at the port. I've heard that more containers headed for Asia and Australia are getting flagged and opened at Long Beach.

Step 3: Finding a Reliable Shipper

I went with CFR Classic LLC. They'll pick up your Humvee, handle your paperwork, and store it at their Long Beach yard until it's container-ready.

Humvee transportation to Long Beach
Transportation to Long Beach

If you're shipping more than just your Humvee, make sure to declare items removed from the vehicle before shipping. No GST applies to these items. Create a list of the remaining items, including their purchase prices. You'll be charged GST for these unless they're personal or household items owned for over 12 months.

CFR's service ends when your Humvee lands at its destination. However, don't expect them to deliver it to your doorstep in Australia - they're good, but not that good.

Step 4: Hiring an Import Agent

I chose Dominion Freight, who did a commendable job. But be ready to watch a significant chunk of your savings vanish. I'm not trying to be overly dramatic, but it's not cheap. The fees include GST on the Bill of Sale, import permit (ROVER Import Scheme), compile fee, port charges, cartage, booking, THC and unpack, custom clearance, delivery order fee, quarantine inspection, quarantine attendance at inspection, and cargo automation and CMR fee.

Step 5: Obtaining an Import Permit from ROVER

You'll need an import permit from ROVER, and you'll have to handle this step personally. I've attached step-by-step instructions courtesy of Dominion Freight.

Once you're done, you'll have your import permit and a new Aussie-legal VIN based on your Humvee's six-digit VIN.

Step 6: Conquering Quarantine

This step is the grandest money-grab of the whole process. Unbeknownst to me, ALL military vehicles imported to Australia WILL FAIL Australian quarantine. Read that again and prepare yourself. When your Humvee flunks the test, it will be transported (at your expense) to a secondary facility, not a government site. These guys spot fresh meat and start swarming. They'll start tallying up the fees, which cover cleaning, daily storage, and quarantine rescheduling.

I shelled out thousands to one of these companies for pressure washing my Humvees, something a sixteen-year old could do with a pressure washer he found curbing! And here's the kicker: your Humvee will fail, even if it's spotless. Aussie Quarantine will demand that you remove all internal mats, seats, batteries, the hood, the top radiator, the engine splash guards, and anything else they think could trap dirt/sand/bugs.

Need help disassembling the front end? Andrew is your guy, with a flat fee that includes dismantling and reassembling after quarantine approves your Humvee.

My advice? Shop around your city for reasonable pricing on this service, or discuss this part of the process with Dominion Freight to get an upfront quote.

If all goes well, you'll have your Humvee, but you'll also be thousands of dollars lighter. It'll be delivered to your location, and congratulations are in order.

Feel free to reach out for contacts to the businesses I mentioned in this article. Good luck, and when you get your Humvee, get in touch and join us at a meetup. Who knows, if you have a unique variant, I might list your truck on my site for studios to rent alongside mine. Let's recoup some of that cash you invested!

Stay tuned for a future article on getting your Humvee roadworthy and registered - more adventures to come.

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